7 Helpful Tips for Human Resources Success
Many people gravitate toward Human Resources for the same reason: we love being there to help the ones we work with! That is the ultimate core of what we do.
So keeping that core in mind, here are some tips from InfoQuest to be fully effective in the HR field:
1) Decide what you want to mean to the people around you.
Obviously your organization will have clear-cut duties and expectations of you, but those who truly shine in the HR field are the ones who go above and beyond in service of growing culture and community among their coworkers.
2) Be strategic in the way you communicate.
It’s not uncommon for top HR professionals to actually spend time practicing speaking and conversation. Much like in a sales position, you have to be able to know what style of communication is most effective for each person you are speaking to. Taking that one step further can even mean helping others within your organization to better communicate with one another.
3) Embrace technology.
Obviously at InfoQuest we have a slight bias here, as we provide an entire suite of Human Resources solutions, but the truth is the speed at which the world is changing has only grown exponentially. Embracing new systems, procedures, gadgets, and tools will only help you to adapt as your organization continues through the years.
4) Make friends with math.
It’s unavoidable, you WILL be in discussions about budgetary concerns and you WILL need to know where you stand and what you need. However, there is a flip side to this. HR Professionals who know their numbers like the back of their hand are better prepared for when the time comes to propose a change that will cost money. If you can show the exact cost and know what the return-on-investment will be from the first time you pitch your idea, you will show a position of strength and understanding in your role.
5) Don’t hide in your office.
This one is easier said than done as more and more tasks seem to fall under the umbrella of “Human Resources.” But if you have no interactions, where does the “Human” element come into play? The more familiar that employees and managers are with you, the more comfortable they will be in communicating with you. At the very least you should have an open door policy.
6) Get very familiar with all department heads.
Know what they need and expect, and in turn make sure they know what you need and expect. Being proactively collaborative will eliminate the element of “us vs. them” that some department heads may feel about Human Resources.
7) Demonstrate flexibility.
Many times the perception of HR is that of the office “police force,” there to enforce the rules and maintain compliance. While that may have an element of truth to it, it’s certainly not the most apt description of the role. Always be learning about your people and always be willing to do something new. The best HR leaders are the ones who employees of all levels are comfortable in turning to as a benefit to their day to day.
Obviously every organization is a little bit different, so these are in no way a rigid doctrine to follow. But we hope these principles can either help you to re-design your role or to enhance the great work you are already doing!
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